For forty years, Colorado Springs Dance Theatre has showcased quality dance companies from around the globe and maintains low priced tickets, making the performing dance arts more accessible to the community. CSDT also nurtures young local dancers by providing performance opportunities, master classes, and scholarships. Additionally, CSDT offers free tickets to community members in need, giving many families the opportunity to see their first professional dance performance.
Colorado Springs Dance Theatre is volunteer-driven with only one part-time employee. CSDT occasionally contracts professionals outside the organization for services as needs arise, but everyday work is offered through the generous support of our volunteers. If you would like to volunteer with CSDT, please email [email protected].
Beth Carlson, President
Athena Baschal, Vice President
Cliff McCullough, Treasurer
Emily Murawski, Secretary
Suzanne Dirscherl
Betsy McClenehan
Barbara Shapiro
Linda Wells
Becky Martinez
Linda Wells-Artisitic Chair
Beth Carlson, Education
Cliff McCullough, Finance
Maureen Christopher, Wine Festival
Prentiss Benjamin-Artistic
David Byers
Michelle Chen
Linda Crissey
Emily Daines
Tim Davis
Leslie Herzog
Scott Marble
Nancy McCollum
Cathy Mundy
Skip Mundy
Anne Porter
Katherine Reynolds, Artistic
Tamara Teske Lenz
Patti Boles
David Byers
Maureen Christopher
Dr. Ken Curry
Joanna Fischer
Vince Rahaman
Jim Ringe
Mary Kay Rockwell
Stephanie Kinney
Andrea Nyquist
Celebrating incredibly active years with CS Dance Theatre! Patti Boles and Beth Carlson are the first in Colorado Springs to receive the Dance Legends Award at D.U.’s Carson Brierly Giffin Library. Congratulations!