2:00 pm November 4, 2018
Wasson Theatre Complex
CSDT will showcase talented young dancers, performing a variety of dance forms from several dance studios in the Pikes Peak Region. Teaching the master class this year is Tracey Langran Corea. She is a local of Colorado Springs and is now a Director, Choreogapher, Writer, and Broadway star. Her choreography and creative talents are truly exceptional, and we are honored to have her choreograph the opening number and finale. All participants will be featured in a collaborative finale.

Tracey Langran Corea
Check out our Facebook page a week before the event for an exclusive interview with Tracey!
Studio Submission
Dancer Agreement

Photography by Cayton Photography
These activities will take place on property that Colorado Springs Dance Theatre has licensed from Colorado Springs School District Eleven pursuant to Board of Education Policy KF. CSDT has paid a full rental fee for the facility and, therefore, our rental of the facility is not supported by tax dollars. Our use of a District facility represents neither agreement nor disagreement with CSDT’s goals, purposes, or statements by the Board, Administration, or the District.