METdance from Houston
September 22, 2018 at 7:30 PM Wasson Theatre Complex – 2115 Afton Way, Colorado Springs 80907
UNITED IN DANCE! assembles works by some of the most active and accomplished choreographers of this generation in a program that highlights METdance’s signature effervescent energy and passion for diversity. From the high energy and spirit of New Orleans, to the meditative and mesmerizing winter snowcaps of Poland, UNITED IN DANCE! takes audiences on a thrilling journey filled with passionate emotion and fierce athleticism.
Tickets are available at the door
These activities will take place on property that Colorado Springs Dance Theatre has licensed from Colorado Springs School District Eleven pursuant to Board of Education Policy KF. CSDT has paid a full rental fee for the facility and, therefore, our rental of the facility is not supported by tax dollars. Our use of a District facility represents neither agreement nor disagreement with CSDT’s goals, purposes, or statements by the Board, Administration, or the District.